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April-May 2021 - Speech by Alexandra Bounia "Balancing between research, teaching and communication: the role of university museums today."
Posted: 08-04-2021 17:33 | Views: 840
The Museum of the Ionian University, responding to the needs of experts and the general public for dialogue and maintaining contact with museums and culture in times of pandemic, invited the general public to attend and participate in an online lecture series with the Greek university museums as the central theme. Aiming to develop a dialogue for the future, the new challenges, bridging the gap (...)
12 March 2021 - "Museology graduates of the Ionian University discuss"
Posted: 08-03-2021 17:33 | Views: 838
The Museum of the Ionian University, continuing the discussions on the sustainability and the role of the museum in the life of modern man, gave the platform to the young scientists, the graduates of Museology of the Ionian University, who with different views and experiences but with common concerns and goals, discussed the first steps after graduation, the profession of a Museologist and the (...)
Museum of the Ionian University and InArts: Online tribute to JAMES JOYCE by the artist/director Vouvoula Skoura, with the co-operation of the Assistant Professor Elena Hamalidi
Posted: 12-01-2021 12:32 | Updated: 13-01-2021 12:52 | Views: 12215
Start: 13-01-2021 |End: 31-12-2021
The Museum of the Ionian University, with Director the Associate Professor of the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology Stavros Vlizos, and the Interactive Arts Laboratory (InArts) of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, with Director the Associate Professor Andreas Giannakoulopoulos, organize online tribute for the eighty years since the death of JAMES JOYCE. The artist and director Vouvoula Skoura curates the tribute, with the co-operation of the Assistant Professor of Art History in the Department of Audio and Visual Arts Elena Hamalidi. Online tribute:
December 2020 - Christmas workshop - "Who hid Santa's sack?"
Posted: 15-12-2020 17:33 | Views: 829
The Museum of the Ionian University organized the Christmas online activity for pre-school children "Who hid Santa's sack?". The activities included storytelling by the author Maria Popkiosi, puzzle games, painting and a music workshop by Cleo Konstantakou.
November 2020 - Designing together the new School Museum of Corfu - DigitalEdition
Posted: 22-11-2020 17:34 | Views: 739
The Museum of the Ionian University invited the public to an online activity that was part of the project of the re-exhibition of the School Museum in Skripero. The public was invited to email the Museum a story along with a photo of a favourite school object.  Each story was then published, creating an "exhibition" of school memories on the Ionian University Museum's social media.
6 July 2020 - "The small cultural treasures of the Ionian and the pandemic crisis"
Posted: 03-07-2020 17:34 | Views: 868
Following the online discussion that took place on the International Museum Day with the representatives of the museums of Corfu, the Museum Collections of the Ionian University, continuing the effort to map the current issues that concerned the cultural institutions during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, invited representatives from the museums of Corfu, Kefalonia, Lefkada, Zakynthos, and (...)
"Small cultural treasures of the Ionian, and the pandemic crisis"
Posted: 03-07-2020 12:30 | Views: 3693
The Museum Collections of the Ionian University continue their effort to map the issues currently concerning out cultural institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic, and engage in discussion with other museums of the region of the Ionian Islands.
May 2020 - Celebration of International Museum Day "Museums for Equality. Diversity and Social Cohesion"
Posted: 15-05-2020 17:35 | Views: 781
At the beginning of a new and unprecedented situation created by the pandemic of COVID-19, the Ionian University Museum invited representatives from cultural institutions of Corfu and the museum public to an online open discussion. The aim was to highlight the situation created in cultural spaces due to health measures and confinement. Museum representatives shared their experiences, and through (...)
The Museums of Corfu Converse with Each Other- International Museum Day, May 18th , 2020
Posted: 15-05-2020 16:50 | Views: 4129
Important Date: 18-05-2020
Museums around the world celebrate International Museum Day on 18th of May every year. Given the current adverse situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, events planned for 2020, will be held digitally for the first time.
February 2020 "Designing together the new School Museum of Corfu"
Posted: 01-02-2020 17:35 | Views: 883
Important Date: 02-02-2020
The Museum of the Ionian University invited the public to actively contribute to the re-exhibition of the School Museum of Corfu. The aim of the Museum is, through the active participation and involvement of the local community in its operation, to design and implement the new permanent exhibition in the School Museum in Skripero, which is one of the three collections of the Ionian University (...)
From the presentation of Kostas Soueref’s edited volume, Museum spaces in the 21st century: interaction practices
Posted: 19-01-2020 18:55 | Views: 3718
Images taken from the event, packed with faculty members and students, as well as many Corfiots that was held in collaboration with the University Museum of the Ionian University in the Reading room of the Central Library of the Ionian University.
Ionian University University Museum: "Co-Create/Sponsor the Museum"
Posted: 14-01-2020 11:38 | Views: 4434
Important Date: 17-01-2020
The Museum of the Ionian University invites you to an open discussion on Friday, January 17th, 2020. The event will take place at the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology of the Ionian University.
Kostas Soueref (ed.) "Museum spaces in the 21st century: interaction practices"
Posted: 08-01-2020 13:26 | Views: 5802
Important Date: 14-01-2020
The Library – Information Centre along with the Museum of the Ionian University organize a book launch on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at 20:00, at the Central Library of the Ionian University.
A new museum in Corfu: "Museum of the Ionian University: Collections of the Ionian University"
Posted: 09-12-2019 21:59 | Views: 10054
The Ionian University incorporates now a University Museum, an institution with a history in Europe since the 17th century. University museums belong to a special category of museums that are hosted in the premises of academic institutions and aim at promoting knowledge and familiarizing the academic community with museum spaces.
Invitation to the “International Museum Day 2019” events
Posted: 14-05-2019 16:28 | Views: 1207
Important Date: 17-05-2019
The Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology and the Museum of the Ionian University organize events on Friday, May 17th, 2019, on the occasion of the International Museum Day 2019, which this year has as its theme "Museums as hubs of culture, the future of tradition".
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